Book your special training seminar or event with TEAM RMAI !

The Mission: To enhance the professional working ecosystem by boosting morale and confidence through the practice of martial arts, one business at a time.
The Strategy: Reaching out to local businesses and community groups to improve the working environment by providing them with seminars, workshops, corporate retreats.
The Why: When weighing the benefits of martial arts training as it relates to business, one can easily recognize the overwhelmingly positive results gained from its participants, and how it can improve individual employees health & fitness, and overall team unity. Healthy, happy workers are productive and loyal. More likely to embrace the overall vision and goals of an organization.

The How:
Time and time again, Martial arts has been shown to develop or improve the following attributes which are valuable to everyone, especially in a professional setting. Next to each characteristic is a sample of how it can benefit the working environment.
· Confidence & Self-Esteem – Belief in one’s abilities to close a sale, secure a client, or deliver a major presentation.
· Goal-Setting Mindset – The ability to tackle the big project by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable bite sized milestones… progressively working towards the big payoff at the end. Never being satisfied with only the status quo.
· Sharper sense of focus and concentration – Keeping an eye out for what is important and drilling down on the task at hand. Being attentive to detail and ‘staying the course’ during longer hours or boardroom meetings.

· Flexibility & Resiliency – Having the strength to withstand the difficult times, being able to take constructive criticism, being flexible enough to ‘go with the flow, and adapt to a rapidly changing work environment, but also rigid enough to keep core values and priorities in place.
· Decision Making Skills – Not becoming a victim to ‘paralysis by analysis’. Being able to assess a specific choice, or path of action in business. Weighing the pros and cons in a timely manner and not being ‘wishy-washy’. Being definitive and making a confident, and informed decision, without fear of regret.
· Self-Defense Skills, Mental Health & Fitness – The most obvious reason for martial arts training, but unfortunately the most misunderstood. Besides the skills of personal protection, martial arts training teaches to be ‘cool under fire’, not easily offended, not prone to outbursts, or losing one’s self-control. Not only does one learn to master these emotions, but also from the sheer rigors of training, one becomes healthier and more fit. Healthy employees take fewer sick days.

Develop assets in your organization!
Generally speaking. Employees who train in martial arts have a strong sense of balance, not only in the literal sense, but they understand that the better they take care of themselves physically, the better they are mentally and spiritually. In turn, they become not just an asset to your team, but a dependable leader you can count on to take your organization to the next level.
If you’re interested in learning how to set up a introductory lesson, seminar, workshop or even an executive level training for your team, contact us at or click the link below.
Check out this video of a recent weekend self-defense seminar conducted at our facility!