Hello everyone!!
I hope you all had a great weekend. I want to thank everyone stopped by our promotional booth yesterday at the Media Fall Festival, and the weekend before at the Springfield Family Festival. It was a good time to be out in the community doing events and meeting people again. It was nice to run into a bunch of former RMAI students, hopefully we see some of them in class again in the near future (if you're reading this, you know who you are) !!!
Since today is Monday, I'd like to fill everyone in on a few important announcements.
5:00 BJJ
6:00 BLACK BELT ONLY - note the time change.
7:00 FREE INTRO EVENT (see below) - I highly encourage and request at least four black belts who can stay and help out with this. Quite a few people have registered for this event, and we'd like to have as many helpers as possible.
Last fall we hosted a few FREE intro lessons for people to try martial arts. These events were a huge success, and those who participated last year, are in fact still training here a whole year later. (awesome) If you know anyone who might be interested, send them the link below. In addition, if anyone would like to help and assist in this class, let me know. These events are FREE, you just need to reserve your spot. sign up here:
EVENT - 10/13/23 https://revolutionmartialartsinstitute.sites.zenplanner.com/event.cfm?eventId=C270C913-4675-4B3C-B445-B84BEAC1F6CB
EVENT - 11/3/23 https://revolutionmartialartsinstitute.sites.zenplanner.com/event.cfm?eventId=F39DA1DD-7B74-4989-A79F-8C1E7970FCE9
The list for testing will be released in a few days... we want to give the opportunity for those needing to earn their last few stripes before I release the list... Test will be on Saturday 10/21 during normal class times.
HALLOWEEN - Special Class times.
For those still wanting to get a class in. We are having 1 class, all students eligile.
4:00pm - 5:00pm.
We understand we will likely not have anyone in class, but the option to train is there.
TEST #2 RMAI Black Belt Final Cut (85%) 11/4 (Saturday) 9:00am
NO CLASSES that day
TEST #3 P.M.A.A BLACK BELT FINAL EXAM 12/9 @Bucks County Karate 10:00am
Booyah!! We are having a Nerf Party on 11/11 from 5 -7 pm. More info to follow.
THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY - Studio closed 11/23 - 11/26
Parents, We are hosting a self-defense seminar on Saturday December 2 at 1:00pm Share this with all of your non-martial arts friends. Price is $50. You do not have to be an RMAI student to attend, this event is open to the general public.. Space is limited. Click here to RSVP. https://revolutionmartialartsinstitute.sites.zenplanner.com/event.cfm?eventId=F27235F5-84AE-4C1B-8445-1460A12BB04A
We are booking self-defense seminars for groups of about 10 or more. This is perfect for small business owners and social groups looking for team building, self-defense training, or just something fun and different. Seminars can take place at RMAI or at your facility. Email mailto:mastermcelona@gmail.com for more information.
See you in class!