Happy Monday everyone!

Congrats to everyone promoted in last week's testing cycle!

First thing I'd like to mention is my sincere thanks and gratitude to everyone who participated in the Flyers Demo this Saturday. I had a great time preparing and planning with all of you. The first few weeks we were kind of bouncing around different ideas, but in the last month it really came together and all of you worked so hard. Your professionalism and adaptability is a testament to the passion for martial arts you all possess. The hockey team on the other hand sadly didn't win, and I feel bad that I had to leave early as Max was not feeling well. But I wanted to make sure I said a few words of thanks to you. You did a great job, PILSUNG!

This week is the last training week of 2022! Next week we have our annual Winter Break. I may be here occasionally throughout next week to take care of some maintainance and office work. If that happens I will let people know if there is OPEN MAT time available. Other than that, we will be closed for regular classes 12/24 - 1/1/23. That leads me to my next topic...

12/23 Special Winter training for end of 2022

6:00pm to 8:00pm ALL STUDENTS ORANGE AND ABOVE!! (it's going to be epic.) Come ready to sweat and work hard before the holiday. Make sure you bring all necessary equipment to class as well.

First day of training in 2023 will be Monday January 2nd - Regular class times.


1/2 First Day of Classes

1/10 First Bellevue Martial Arts Class

1/13 Black Belt Chevron Evaluations 5:30pm

1/14 Buzzware Village (Arden, DE) Free Community Martial Arts event


1/20 GUP Graduation

That's all for now, have a great week everyone!